Zvi Biener

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati and an affiliate of the History department, the Judaic Studies department, and the Center for Public Engagement with Science.

I am Editor-in-Chief of the PhilSci-Archive and Past President of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS).

Most of my work is in historical philosophy of science. Other work has included philosophy of data, AI, and empirical research into loneliness.

I'm an amateur programmer, audiophile, wood-worker, and fan of non-intrusive home-automation. My love of all things technical occasionally leads me to design and implement unnecessarily elaborate projects like this very website.

   Email: zvi.biener@uc.edu

   OrcID: 0000-0002-3863-205X
   PhilPapers:  zvi-biener
   Github: zbiener
   RSS: feed.xml